Welcome, friends!

If you’re obsessed with health-tech, this is the newsletter for you!

I’ll draw on a decade of experience covering the industry as a reporter at CNBC, Fast Company and Reuters - and as an investor - to share my unfiltered thoughts with you. I’ve worked across journalism and venture capital, and I’ve advised digital health companies on everything from strategy to communications to fundraising.

My style is to be a truth teller. I will do my best to sift through the noise and help you navigate what’s really going on in health-tech. I welcome feedback, positive or negative, so please reach out to me.

Why subscribe?

Second Opinion will feature analysis and interviews with founders, executives, investors and operators on the future of health care. The goal is to leverage my network to get into the context (in journalism, we call it the “so what”) behind the news of the moment. My solemn promise is to do this without bombarding your inbox.

Join the crew

If there’s a topic I should be writing about, reach out here or on Twitter at @chrissyfarr.