But it'll take private/public sector partnership to really move the needle
Sachin Jain is spot on.
Some musings after I attended SAIL, an in-depth AI and medicine summit.
There's some good stuff! It's just not obvious right now...
It has not been a good week for telehealth!
A hot take and a few theories!
"Narrative Medicine" is the future, even in the age of AI
Companies like Prenuvo and Ezra are provoking some big debates within the medical community
Speaking gigs are priority for most. But how do you swing one?
In pursuit of an answer to this question, I became fascinated by ICHRAs. So, here's a deep dive and a market map!
Today Risant Health completed its acquisition of Geisinger Health. I interviewed THE expert on the topic for some much-needed context.
There's a lack of collective action in this space and it's holding us all back.